7th February 2025 

What is homeopathy?

Homeopathy has been established and refined for over 200 years. The philosophy is that by restoring the balance of our mind, body and spirit we can achieve good health and well-being.

Homeopathy is a ‘holistic’ system of healthcare that focuses on the patient, as an ‘individual’ to provide enduring well being. Homeopathy recognises that symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the 'person' and that it is the person/patient who needs healing and not specifically the disease/condition.

What is Homeopathy?. plant1Homeopathic medicines are remedies, not drugs and are made from a variety of 'natural substances' such as plants and minerals. They are prepared in licensed laboratories under strict quality control. Homeopathic remedies are unlikely to cause side effects and they are non-addictive. This is because they are prepared in highly diluted forms and only a minute amount of the active ingredient is prescribed. In over 200 years of use no homeopathic remedy has ever been withdrawn for adverse side effects.

To discuss the meaning of the name homeopathy is to take it back to its Greek roots. It incorporates two Greek words ‘homoios’ and ‘pathos’. Homoios implies ‘like or similar’ and pathos means ‘suffering’. The two words put together give a single term that implies ‘like suffering’. It is often summarised by saying ‘treating like with like’ – an illness is treated with a ‘natural’ substance, which could produce similar symptoms in a healthy person.

It is believed that homeopathic remedies work with the body, acting as a catalyst to enhance the bodies natural healing ability. Homeopathy is a bit like getting a jump start from another car! The energy sources are the remedies so that the body can run on all cylinders again.

Homeopathy does not separate the physical, emotional and mental symptoms, but takes the view that they are all interconnected. This is what makes homeopathy truly holistic. We can greatly underestimate the part our emotions play in maintaining health and well being. Just as joy, laughter and the feeling of being cared for can keep us in good health the opposite feelings of sadness, grief, anxiety and insecurity can be the cause of physical symptoms. The opposite is also true in that pain can cause emotional symptoms, such as depression, anger and anxiety.

What is Homeopathy?. plantgreen2As homeopathy is such an ‘individualised’ form of healthcare, no two patients with the same diagnosis and apparently similar symptoms will receive the same remedy. For example, two patients may visit a homeopath with hay fever and display similar physical symptoms, such as sneezing, a runny nose and sore, itching eyes. The differences between the patients that would warrant different remedies are based upon personalities, lifestyles and the cause of the hay fever etc...

The treatment of one patient with apparently the same condition/diagnosis as another will more than likely be totally different. A truly unique and individualised form of healthcare!

This philosophy is fundamental in the treatment of children as well as adults.

Scientists cannot yet explain the precise mechanism of action for homeopathy, but to find out more, please visit the Society of Homeopaths research page.

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